Guest Review: By
While not everyone agrees on the details, most will agree that the RED ONE revolutionized digital cinema, either directly or indirectly. Nearly two and half years after it’s introduction RED turned the industry on it’s head again by offering a cost effective major upgrade to their cameras. This upgrade to the Mysterium X sensor has the potential to radically improve the camera already in the hands of it’s owners — some owners, like us, had their RED cameras since 2007. This is a big deal, something never done by Sony, Panasonic, Ikegami, Arri in the history of the industry. Sure you could repair a camera or replace a part – put I have never been able to essentially upgrade a camera I already own without buying an entire new model!
Well? Did RED do it? Does the Mysterium X outshine the Mysterium, and is it worth the investment?
We decided to put it to the test and results are posted below. Here are some stills that represent the tests:
Mysterium on left, MX on right, both cameras at ISO 2000. You can immediately see the noise floor and additional image information.
This vehicle headlights and dusk shot is dramatic. Notice the low noise in the MX image, the better sensitivity and contrast range (ability to handle brights and darks). ISO 2000.
Click on image to e large
We exposed this scene at proper exposure and then opened up 3 stops to make the recording. Using REDcine FLUT controls in POST we wanted to see if scene could be recovered. As you can easily see, the MX was easily recovered (look at the blown out leaves in the sky if the before and after) and would have been completely useable with some additional color correction, but the Mysterium was missing so much information that it would have been impossible to correct. Both cameras were at ISO 800.
The video clips speak for themselves. Enjoy. Both clips are the same, We are testing out the both YouTube and Exposure Room – let me know which player works best for you.
See Video
Seee Vide on YouTube
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