Thursday, May 20, 2010

Critics on Trey Ratcliff's image "The Bombing of Dresden"

The Bombing of Dresden, originally uploaded by Stuck in Customs.
Again Values! Values! I have no problem with your work or the method or the style you have chosen to depict a scene the way want or feel it is right; whether you want to share your Zen moment or to convey the still-rebel-inner-child in you who sees everything in a naive (art form), "Fantastical" form and shape...or you had a vivid dream that woke you up shaking, leaving you in chasms of deep-chocking-emotions and you decided to share the feelings with your friends/fans or your family by drawing, photographing, painting or telling...You'll find that it's impossible to make them feel what you've felt. Because, it was your dream! Your feelings that were mapped and turned into some kind of heavenly emotions by your brain...the Director behind the unearthly special effects that transforms the ordinary to extraordinary; the sad feeling to a blissful one. We all experienced that moment when someone close or far to us came up to us, feeling all-shook up with a heart piercing emotion they felt in their 5-10 minutes, but what felt like an eternity dream, and excitedly told us, expecting us to feel what they've felt. Did we? No. Why? Because, dreams, unlike Freudian theory, are belong to the individual. Can only be felt by the individual...Shortly, you can't make me feel the same way you felt in your dream just like I can't make you feel mine...Why did I digress? Am I off the point? Maybe...or not!
Here it is: Please, do not strain my vision, blinding me with blurry details and ghostly figures. Do you strain your eyes when admiring Monet, Millet, and Pissarro? Your favorite dreamers and Impressionists…think about your Aunt Dolores’ poor vision, for Ratcliff F****’s sake! And, please, do other hobbyist, Pros or beginners a favor by labeling your work with Photo-Realistic HDR, (if you have one) Hyper-Realistic HDR and Surreal-my-Interpretation HDR… That would help other fellow photographers understand you and, most importantly, the HDRI. Be true to your Art…by eliminating confusion. And you don’t have to cut your ear off or live a lonely secluded life in Barbizon!


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