Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Fall OF A Giant Sequoia

See, that’s what I'm talking about! This image received 4.5/ 5.7 etc. Scores in Group Seven. Can anybody, anybody at all, tell me what's wrong with this picture? There is a Fallen Giant Sequoia Tree. Is there something missing, like Mickey Mouse on top of the tree or a grizzly bear standing next to it with a smirk on his face, saying, “I did this!". It's just a tree, not Taj-Mahal. Nature in its simplicity, yet Nature lovers, as in the one of the comments, saw this as a tragic scene where a 500 years old tree has finally succumbed to Nature and the law of physics. Just another scene where Nature has its ultimatum: You're here today; you're gone tomorrow! So how did you rate the quality of this image is still a mystery yet it's a very well-known eveluavation by someone whom given the power to rate, vote, praise, demise and critique the living hell of everything around them in a painfully negative manner. Everything is a subject to be criticized. If, as mavenimagery, starts to dig deep down your inadequate and flaws Id've spent months pointing them out. The gain? Can be tremendous for those who are open to criticism. Mavenimagery is a science lab equipped with the latest technology used in today's Hollywood VFX, yet, modestly, realistically tries to tell a story an of a fallen tree...a Natural tree. Not Eiffel Tower down! Does it lack any of the fundamentals of imaging? Any aberrations, chromatic and digital noise? Poor composition? Poor post-production? No matter how you shoot it or process it, a tree is a tree. Please feel free to express yourself...that's what mavenimagery does, did and will always keep doing. We don’t speak numbers! We define. In our definition, we put words…words that make sense; constructive, guiding and indisputably consistent with the subject that is be it Art from Bart or Smart word from Alec.

A mentor, a friend of mine thought me this: there is beauty in simplicity...which requires genius; Also beauty can be found in a non-wow-look ugly objects. That friend is Quentin Tarantino...Remember the "Bauty of the Beast"! This image will be removed immediately from Group Seven who represents the modern Inquisition...Thank you all for your attentive interest

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