Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Maven G.A.M.E

Processed by: mavenimagery Lab, Universal Studio, Californa.

Concept: Life is agame (you all heard it before, I know) and it's all around us; no matter where or how you play it, you're part of the G.A.M.E...

It's all about the game, and how you play it
All about control, and if you can take it
All about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it
I am the game, you don't wanna play me
I am control, no way you can change me
I am heavy debts, no way you can pay me
I am the pain, and I know you can't take me
Look over your shoulder, ready to run
Like a Cali bitch from a smoking gun!
I am the game and I make the rules

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