Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mirage: Quench Your Thirst!

I passed by this boat...I don't know, hundred, two hundred times, but never stopped to take a shot at it. Why? Because, unlike England and Seattle, we're blessed (cursed for photographers) with clear, cloudless sunny days the year around, and this subject, though, it's great for being anchored in middle of nowhere, without some dramatic clouds wouldn't make a great HDR (Highly Caffeinated Roast Image). As fate (heavy traffic congested behind me, actually, and I didn't want to be leading a pussy-line which I always referred to when I see a formed one by pussy drivers-afraid-to-pass-one-another) maneuvered my steering wheel and my geared S toward this boat. Again, not a bad shot even in color, but, hey: no clouds no colorfast! I like it in white and black, for it conveys a sense of forlorn and (literally) deserted cruise with no booze.

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