Friday, October 22, 2010

Train in the Market

Train in the Market, originally uploaded by Giovanni Costa.

My God! A train going through the market? Once, I was stopped taking a picture of railroad 20mil out of town, the security guard running out out breath, a radio in his hand, "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Do you know how many people get killed by a train a year? "Don't know. How many?" I asked sarcastically. "At least ten" he snorted. "They must've been some brainless people in a California Cow skin. See, I'm a fully-sensible, professional photographer, and! IN ORDER FOR A TRAIN TO RUN ME OVER IT HAS TO TRAVEL WITH THE SPEED OF LIGHT FOR ME NOT TO NOTICE IT OR HEAR IT COMING FROM 5 MILES DISTANCE..." "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave for your own safety"

I will, with your permission, print this image and carry it with me for my own safety; I will blog this photo and tell a story to educate the remained-to-be-killed-California Cows and the American people...

Thank you for sharing this educational image-for dummies.

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