Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Victim Of The Sun: A Giant Sequoia

Processed by: mavenimagery Lab, Universal Studio, Californa.

PROCESSED with IRET (Iris Range Enhancement Technology)

IRET (Iris Range Enhancement Technology and MavenFilters are products of mavenimagery Labs Innovation.

...feeling tired. Lazy. Bored. It's the sun. The sun is not going away. It's in my face when I'm driving east and west. Hitting me from the side when I'm driving SN and SW, blinding me so I that I can't see a photogenic secenery. How many great scenes have I passed? Only Sun knows. The sun breaching the seasonal contract with earth...or maybe only with California. I don't know. All I know is that the days are getting brighter each day...I'm going to sue the sun for violating it's own Solar Law. I will not lose like the Martians did millions light years ago. They lost the case in a Martian court and froze to death. It was too late to imigrate to planet earth. Contrary to the belief, they never been to earth. Lucky Melon Heads! They'be trapped here for nothing can ever escape nor enter earth. It's a Black Hole coated with blue atmosphere...
Don't let wisp of clouds fool you in this image for the scortched Giant Sequoia is a clear evidence of the sun's deed. It's a proof of complicity in aiding the termites with its rays, energizing the evil, cancerous bacteria, keeping them alive if only for few a months a year every year and at seven thousand feet high above, closer to the sun, makes this (and other hundred of thousands) Giant Sequoia a perfect victim, while higly paid rangers milling around uselessly and Greenpeace is waving a stupid flag, cruzing to save a few squids...
Termites use a decentralised, self-organised crime systems of activity guided by SIA (Swarm Intelligence Agency: not to confuse with the CIA, but as malicious) to exploit food sources and environments that could not be available to any single insect acting alone. A typical colony contains nymphs (semi-mature young), workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals of both genders, sometimes containing several egg-laying queens.
The queen must be stopped and its eggs fried in a giant omelete pan and serve it to the Park Rangers and Park Service employes who, under a dome of a blue sky, will lie through their teeth, trying to sell you a BS like its natural feature or perhaps a relics of lightening fires, and some will tell you that they are man-made, burned or cleared to provide summer grazing. Well, this, partially, maybe true.

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