Friday, December 17, 2010

TWO DIFFERENT WORLD:Psychological Stress Leads To Cancer...

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Psychological Stress Leads To Cancer...

Resolving The Errors Stress Creates Can Heal Cancer
Dr. Hamer, a German oncologist, developed cancer in the late 70s, shortly after his son's untimely death. Theorizing there was a connection between the stress of his son's death and his development of cancer, he began to investigate his cancer patients' histories, and found that they too had experienced an unexpected shock or trauma shortly before their cancer.

Next, he analyzed his patients’ brain scans and compared them with the corresponding medical and psychological records. Amazingly, he found a clear correlation between shocks, specific areas of the brain damaged by certain types of shocks, and particular organs where cancer developed depending on the type of trauma.

Based on over 40,000 case studies, over a number of years he developed a theory that every disease originates from a shock or trauma that catches us by surprise. The moment the unexpected conflict occurs, the shock strikes a specific area in the brain causing a lesion (called Hamer Focus), visible on a brain scan as a set of sharp concentric rings in MRI's. The brain cells that receive the impact send a biochemical signal to the corresponding body cells causing the growth of a tumor, a meltdown of tissue or functional loss, depending on which brain layer receives the shock.

He theorized that specific conflicts are tied to specific areas in the brain because, during evolution, brain areas are programmed to respond instantly to conflicts that could threaten survival. For example, let's say that a woman is walking with her child. Suddenly the child runs into the street, and is struck by a car. The moment a mother sees her child injured she suffers a mother-child-worry-conflict, and in a split second the special biological program for this particular type of conflict is switched on.

This always impacts in the brain area that controls the function of the breast glands. This is because, in biological terms, an injured offspring recovers faster when it receives more milk, extra milk production is immediately stimulated by increasing the number of breast gland cells. Even if the woman is not breast feeding, this event is still triggered. As long as the child is in the hospital, the breast cells will keep dividing and multiplying, forming what is commonly called a glandular breast tumor. When the child recovers, the mother will start to heal.

So you correct the problem that is causing the stress, like getting a new job if you have been fired, or a new spouse if there has been a divorce. Or you psychologically learn to deal with the issue so that it no longer is causing stress. Either is vital for healing from cancer. Done in conjunction with conventional treatments, the results have been exceptional.

Dr. Hamer suffered over the years for his controversial theories. One prosecutor pulled his records, and went through patient after patient. Out of 6500 patients with terminal cancer, 6000 were alive. Pretty impressive.

Cancer has many more causes than only being initiated by stressful events. But it does look like they are much more important in initiating cancer than anyone had previously thought. What is undoubtedly true is that stress knocks down the immune system significantly, which could certainly translate into accelerated growth of cancer cells. Continued stress from unresolved traumatic events must inhibit your body's ability to fight cancer.

Stress wipes out the immune system, and as Dr. Hamer has so clearly discovered, undealt with emotional issues may well lead to cancer. In fact he claims that some undealt with issue is always involved in the development of cancer. These could be a loss of a child, close family member, or spouse, loss of a job, divorce, moving, retirement. And more. If you or any person with cancer has experienced any of these events, then you should seriously consider the following course of action. If Dr. Hamer is right and all cancers have this emotional content, then everyone with cancer should consider it.

Dr. Hamer recommended psychotherapy for his patients. However, there are now ways of dealing with, and releasing, events and problems that cause stress which work much faster and more effectively than traditional psychotherapy.

SoundTherapy CD

The SoundTherapy CD is recommended as one of the most important cancer fighting products in the Immune section when used along with Custom Elixir EE. It also relieves stress, helps you sleep, and more. It's healing power on its own, according to our energetic testing, is 1240.

Here is the essense of its healing process. When you listen to it, you are listening to the vibrations from the harmonics and overtones of the Perfect 5th (P5) interval (the difference between two frequencies), and the Major 7h Chord (M7), composed of two P5s. These vibrations cause a sympathetic resonance in the areas of the brain that release endorphins. Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as Neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry signals from one neuron to another), which reduce stress, anxiety and enhance the immune response.

The vibrations also stimulate the higher brain centers, such as the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala, which scans incoming sound for emotional content. Subsequently, this stimulates the brain stem, which includes the medulla oblongata, pons and mid-brain limbic region, the transition point between the body and the brain. These areas of the brain regulate no only our physical body, but our perceptions as well. The Perfect 5h creates a vibrational ratio of 3/2 known as “the Golden Ratio.” The precise mathematical proportions are known as Pythagorean tunings and create an archetypal resonance within the inner ear by stimulating the cochlea and the semi-circular canals. Harmonics and overtones are produced simultaneously as a direct result of the fundamental (first) note. The first harmonics and overtones (the “partial”), vibrates exactly twice as fast as the first note, the second three times as fast as the first, and so on.

When two tuning forks vibrate together, this creates a pattern containing two vibrational frequencies. The brain hears not only the two frequencies, but also a third frequency – the actual difference between the two frequencies, plus all of the resulting harmonics and overtones. This results in a complex “sound bath”, helping to synchronize both hemispheres of the brain. Rhythm is processed by the left hemisphere, while harmony and intonation are processed by the right hemisphere. The convergent zones, which function in the prefrontal lobes, control attention span, judgment, impulse control and motivation. This is where the interconnectivity of the two hemisphere takes place, arousing coordinated thought patterns.

Cancer Neuroliminal Training (NT) CD

The best way to beat stress that we have found is with the Cancer NT CD. In fact, in general for cancer, energetic testing puts its healing power for helping to beat cancer at 1110, especially valuable for someone who knows that stress or loss played a role in their cancer, or at least if you know that you had loss and or a lot of stress before you developed your cancer. This one time purchase is much more cost effective than multiple sessions with therapists. And it will work to make sure the supplements you take to beat your cancer aren't being negated by unresolved stess and loss issues.

The Fight or Flight response is intended to give us a fighting chance in desperate situations where we are (or think we are) in danger. Obvious examples are if we are being chased by a wild animal or go out of control in a fast moving car. Less obvious examples are wherever we interpret that we are going to lose something – for example, we hear that our company is laying-off employees, or someone close to us gets sick or leaves our life.

In these situations something called the HPA axis kicks in. The hypothalamus (H) tells the pituitary (P) that we are in danger. The pituitary notifies the adrenals (A) to go on danger mode and the adrenals flood the body with stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol.

This immediately causes 3 physical responses that over time, even a short time, can have disastrous consequences.

1. The immune system is shut off. (In fact patients receiving organ transplants are given stress hormones specifically to block their immune system from rejecting the new organ).

2. Blood vessels to the digestive system and organs are restricted – blood is diverted to the limbs and major muscles.

3. Blood to the forebrain (intelligence) is shut off in favor of the hindbrain (reflex reaction).

1. It is widely acknowledged that each of us is exposed to almost every kind of pathogen almost all the time. Cancer cells, viruses, bacteria and yeasts are everywhere; outside of us, on our skin and in our bodies. These “bad guys” are kept at bay by normal immune response and only grow when an opportunity arises. For that reason they are called opportunistic pathogens. Thus when the immune response simply goes away, these organisms can move-in, throw a party and leave our body in a mess.

2. When blood to the gut is restricted, normal repair and replacement of cells cannot continue. Hundreds of thousands of cells naturally die every minute and need to be replaced. As this replacement process slows down, important tissues such as the gut lining becomes more and more vulnerable to attack from both parasites and bacteria. Further, with less blood, less nutrients are available to make important agents like stomach acid and mucous – two major protective factors in proper function and defense of the gut. And of course as this process continues less and less nutrients are available anyway. Normal processes such as peristalsis are impaired and toxicity builds up in the system.

3. In this process rational thought and long term planning goes out the window and we become more reactive and impulsive. Sticking with a plan or eating program, even one we know to work, becomes very difficult. We find ourselves easily distracted and tend to interpret events around us as threats which keep this viscous cycle in place.

4. As the stress response continues, the waste products from muscles (on high alert) build up because the digestive and immune system are not functioning well enough to break these down and eliminate them. This leads to inflammation and pain throughout the body, with chronic spasms in overworked muscles - often showing up as neck and back pain and/or headaches.

How to break this viscous cycle.

It's easy to see how this situation is a lose-lose scenario. Internally you are growing weaker, you are less protected from infections and diseases of every type AND you are literally less intelligent. On top of that you feel bad - though to many people under chronic stress - all this may feel normal.

Breaking out and back to real health and growth is not easy. It is a process of release and retraining - that without the right support and tools unfortunately won't happen. We have a quest to find tools that would support our nutritional supplement recommendations - and enable a higher degree of success for everyone with cancer.

Pretty soon we understood that the transformation/repair had to happen on the same level, or a deeper level, than the problem originated on.

We found a series of tools that reaches these layers in Dr. Phil Bate's Neuroliminal Training CD's. These nighttime audio tracks retrain brainwave patterns and trigger the deep release of stress from the past. Phil is a veteran of hypnosis and EEG/neurofeedback training - and he understands nutrition as well.

Here's a quote from Veronica, who's in cancer recovery, after one month of use:

"In terms of my overall well being – I am definitely being affected positively by the disk. I feel less angry with myself and the world and feel that I am experiencing significant stress relief." V.W. Virginia

Dr. Bate has had extensive experience with Allergy research and treatment. In fact he considers the reduction and elimination of hidden allergies to be essential to several healing processes - including cancer. In Cancer N.T., Dr Bates incorporates the therapeutic approach of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (New German Medicine), and engages the subconscious mind in addressing and releasing any underlying emotional stressors or shock that may block recovery.

It also engages the subconscious mind in a cooperative venture supporting the action of the immune system in reducing cancer growth and toxicity. Further, the subconscious is primed to release underlying emotional stressors or blocks that may undermine the body’s innate recovery process. It also works to align the mind with wellness beyond existing health conditions. Cancer NT encourages deep and peaceful sleep. It also incorporates parts of Weight Loss NT (healthy eating) and Allergy NT as Dr. Bate considers hidden allergies to be an unrecognized epidemic of stress and a major contributing factor in many health problems.

We highly recommend that our customers add the Cancer NT protocol to their recovery plan. It's so simple and fosters ongoing changes. Get the Cancer NT CD and play it in the background, throughout the night, every night. Everyone within earshot benefits - and sleeps better.

Here's a report from Kitty: "For the first time in maybe four years, I woke up and looked out the window and just thought, oh, looks like a nice day. What? No anxiety thoughts. I don’t even remember not waking up without a huge agenda going for the day, including negative stuff. This is fascinating." K.S. Oregon

The changes may take time - some come in 30 days or less, some much later - but according to Dr. Bate improvements are cumulative and lasting. Either way - the soundtrack is relaxing - all you'll hear is ocean waves - Dr Bate has 5 to 7 layers underneath that elicit a specific modification in SMR brain wave patterns. (Among other benefits, increasing SMR brain waves results in a more relaxed focus and improved attentive abilities.) These layers directly address the subconscious mind to unhook allergic triggers and gradually release years of unresolved trauma and stress – freeing energy that your system can now use for your benefit.

After one month Peter reported: "It seems to me that I just feel more peaceful and relaxed during the day, since I’ve been listening to the disk in my sleep for the past week. Did I expect that this would all happen? I was pretty doubtful about the possibilities, but so far the results have been quite amazing and really enjoyable. I’m very pleasantly surprised." P.V. Texas

Something else well worth considering is....

NeuroModulation Technique (NMT)

Practitioners of NeuroModulation Technique have found that nearly any illness can be improved, and many completely resolved with NMT treatments. By correcting faults in the body's regulatory systems, NMT restores the body's innate capacity to heal. Your nervous system is separated into conscious/voluntary, and autonomic/unconscious control systems. We aren't aware of the Autonomic Control System (ACS) that functions in the background of our nervous system – otherwise our conscious mind would be so distracted by body processes that we could not do anything.

NMT uses Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to communicate with the ACS, to find the faults in ACS function that are responsible for an illness. Then it uses a system of questions and statements to push the control systems of the body towards normal function. Questions are used to find control system errors, as shown by the muscle testing. Then the NMT practitioner uses specific corrective statements to train the ACS toward normal function – the first step in the return to wellness. A brief tapping and breathing pattern is done after each statement to set the ACS function.

A NMT treatment can be performed long distance via the phone, or one on one. It has proven to be very effective for everything from autoimmune diseases to allergies to pain relief. Many users have reported success with cancer too. Now, the NMT practitioner is not treating cancer. He or she is merely correctly the faults in the autonomic nervous system so that the immune system can better handle whatever happens to be wrong with you. It would make sense that Dr. Hamer’s stressing events, that he has identified as leading to the development of cancers, have caused faults in the ACS.

NMT also deals with faults or errors in the sensitivity setting of sensors that tell the nervous system what is happening in the body, and in the processing of information from these sensors. They have found that NMT often provides quick and powerful pain relief by correcting these errors. NMT can also help the body to recognize external toxins and chemicals. NMT treatment gets the body to purge these harmful substances from the tissues, and eliminate them.

For people with cancer who have been under high stress, have suffered loss of family members, job loss, or other issues which cause this type of high stress, energetic testing puts the value of using NMT, at a very strong 798. If you have not suffered any such loss or stress, the value of doing NMT is still quite good, but not vital. It comes in at 437. Information on how to contact Luminara Serdar, the practitioner we recommend for long distance NMT via the phone, is given in the resources section of this report.

Usherite Tetrajacks

This is a set of 5 tetrajacks made of usherite. These are a geometric shape composed of tetrahedrons stacked together surface to surface. It turns out that the sum total of the angles on the surface of this shape is 888 degrees, which just happens to be the number associated by some with Universal or Christ consciousness. So essentially, these shapes emit a subtle vibratory energy that helps align whatever is around it with the basic energy underlying the universe, which might be how quantum physics would describe it.

At any rate, when you keep these tetrajacks close to your person, their energy will subtly reduce your stress at the cellular level. Nothing dramatic. This reduction in stress will accelerate your healing, will increase your ability to fight cancer because stress disrupts the immune system response. They can help your body heal better, and as they are inexpensive, these tetrajacks are probably worth a try. Energetic testing puts their value for helping deal with cancer at 200.

This covers a whole lot of what can be done to fight cancer, and hopefully has educated you on what's worth doing and what's not. Next let's go over some other things to consider when fighting cancer. And then review the highest rated supplements.

Even one cancer fighting supplement could get the job done.

When you or a loved one is battling cancer, you need access to every single weapon available. 11 Natural Strategies To Defeat Your Cancer is the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on natural supplements for fighting this terrible disease. Below you will find a quick, easy-to-read review of the supplements suggested.

Cancer can be beaten. Never doubt that. We hear from people who have succeeded all the time. Soon your story could read like these…

One man wrote in saying his mother had been taken off chemo three weeks before because it wasn't working. Doctors told him there was nothing else they could do and to look into hospice solutions for her as she was in bed all the time and didn't have long to live. Shortly before that, she had started taking Oxy E. A week later her energy had improved so much she was up and active all day long, going out shopping and feeling good. Hospice was not needed.


A nutritionist reported that she had put someone on Ellagic Formula with Graviola a couple of months before. After going through 7 bottles, the tumors in one lung and in the lymph nodes were gone. The main tumor in the other lung was still there, but the doctors said it was dead at its center.


More is better when it comes to fighting advanced cancer.

You can only do too little... not too much.

All of the products mentioned in the report are valuable. Some are more potent than others, and you certainly want to concentrate on using those top products in order to most effectively fight the cancer. Every person’s chemistry is different, so the required products and amounts will vary. You shouldn’t feel afraid to try multiple natural supplements, they can only help the healing process.

Oncologist Charles Simone, MD has written several books and scientific papers about the hundreds of studies involving thousands of patients that show that a broad range of nutritional supplementation, including antioxidants, protects you from the ravages of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. That in fact, as we tell you in this report, they do much more, as the studies show that use of nutritional supplements is consistently associated with improved outcomes. If your oncologist is telling you that antioxidants and other nutritional supplements shouldn't be taken with chemo or radiation therapy, or that they are a waste of money, he or she is dead wrong. The research shows otherwise.

We received great news from our oncologist yesterday after viewing Nikki's CT scan. Yes, she is responding very well to the treatments and yes, her remaining tumors are shrinking.

Compared to the CT scans done three months ago, they have shrunk by at least 80%. As such, Jenny and I have agreed to her continuing four more treatments. But it is my firm belief that our holistic approach is working and I must thank you all for contributing in one way or other to her recovery.

It will take another three months before the chemo regime finishes. Another CT scan will be held after that. Hopefully, by then, nothing is left of whatever tumors in her lungs and liver. Of course, we shall be ever so careful not to fall back on previous 'lifestyles' but to continue the new one into the future with fine tuning along the way. D. K.

You may very well be thinking…

"I'm completely overwhelmed. There are so many products that sound good, what should I be taking?"

Remember, you don't have to make an either/or choice about whether to take chemo or radiation, or go with an alternative approach to cancer. These products have all been successfully used while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation -- in fact they even help chemotherapy or radiation be more effective. You will have better results because the supplements attack cancer in ways that chemotherapy and radiation can’t. They will also help you deal with the side effects of chemotherapy.

These supplements are effective cancer fighters even on their own, without chemotherapy. They are natural and safe, and you can take high therapeutic amounts with no side harmful side effects. (With some you do have to start with small amounts and work up, or you may experience detoxification or healing reactions as described above.)

Even if chemo and radiation alone are initially successful, far too often cancer comes back within two months to two years. Chemo puts quite a strain on the body, and does nothing to improve the internal environment to make the body healthier. So the cancer can and often does come back quickly unless you take action to improve the internal environment of your body. Cancer is usually worse and tougher to beat the second or third time. This doesn't have to happen.

Supporting your body with supplements before, during and after chemotherapy will help you reverse the underlying causes of cancer, and strengthen your immune system to keep you cancer-free for good.

Using chemotherapy or radiation therapy or even getting surgery, without also using supplements is like fighting someone trying to kill you with one hand tied behind your back.

It doesn't make sense. They can do no harm, and have been shown again and again, in study after study, to produce better results than doing chemotherapy or radiation therapy alone. Plus, side effects are greatly reduced.

A healthful diet gives your body the healing tools it needs.

Diet is a crucial weapon in your cancer-fighting arsenal. You should eat organic whole foods whenever possible to reduce toxins. Increase your intake of essential fatty acids from organic cold-pressed flax oil (take two tablespoons with cottage cheese as the Europeans do to fight cancer) or fish oil.

Cancer thrives on sugar and refined grains. Cut them out as much as possible, and don't use artificial sweeteners as they are not healthy. Recently, new healthy sweeteners such as stevia, xylitol, and Laknato have become widely available.

Research indicates eating too much animal protein, more than your body can utilize in a day, may be one of the causes of cancer. One study injected mice with aflatoxin, one of the strongest carcinogens there is (it’s a mold often found in peanut butter). Some were given low doses of aflatoxin, some high doses. At the same time, their diet included a range of a milk protein.

Researchers found it didn't matter how much of the aflatoxin the mice were injected with. Mice whose diet included over 12% milk protein (more then their daily dietary needs) got cancer. Mice whose diet included less protein did not. Even the mice given high doses of aflatoxin did not develop cancer if the amount of protein was low.

The study suggests too much animal protein acts as a cancer promoter. Cancer promoters are substances in our diets that can trigger the growth of cells that have been damaged by carcinogens and are present in the body. Without these promoters, those cells which have mutated will likely remain inactive. So it is a good idea to reduce amounts of animal protein (meat, milk products and eggs) and eat more vegetable protein like nuts, beans, etc.

The right multi-vitamin can be beneficial.

Synthetic vitamins are not good for you. You may have taken multi-vitamins for years figuring that they wouldn't hurt you. Unfortunately, research shows that taking these manufactured “fake” vitamins is actually worse than not taking anything.

•In 1941, research done by Dr. Agnes Faye Morgan at the University of California found that animals fed synthetic vitamins had toxic reactions or died more quickly of degenerative diseases compared to those fed whole foods. She stated that the enrichment of processed foods with synthetic vitamins may "precipitate conditions worse than the original deficiency."

•A study of 29,000 Finnish smokers proved that synthetic vitamins increased death rates significantly enough to stop a 10-year study prematurely. The risk of cancer increased by 16% and there were more heart attacks, more strokes, and an 8% higher increase in the overall death rate.

•A Harvard study of 22,000 physicians reported no health benefits from synthetic vitamins. Other studies report toxicity and serious side effects. In one case, synthetic beta carotene blocked antioxidant activity and anti-cancer activity of 50 antioxidants in the diet.

•In a Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study, 18,000 American men and women at risk of lung cancer took a either a placebo or supplements of synthetic vitamin A. The researchers lead by Dr. Gilbert Omenn stopped the study in January 1996 because the group on supplements had a 28% higher incidence of lung cancer.

Most of the multi-vitamins and many of the individual vitamins on the market are made with synthetic vitamins. The profit margin is huge compared to whole food vitamins. But as you can see, they not only don’t work, but they actually harm your health.

Fortunately, there are a few multi-vitamins that do not contain synthetic vitamins. An excellent one is Life Essence Multiple, created by the man who virtually started the whole food vitamin field. Vitamins are not that important for beating cancer, but for long term support of your body, get a natural source one like Life Essence.

Eliminate environmental toxins to give your body a fighting chance.

Cancer is not some mysterious disease that just happens to you. It has definite causes, and when you correct those causes, you get well. Natural treatments work remarkably well.

If the powers that be were to work on prevention of cancer by reducing our exposure to the huge number of toxins and other cancer causing environmental issues like electro-magnetic fields (EMF's,) we would win the fight against cancer. Unfortunately, cancer is very big business, with huge profits, and preventing cancer is not profitable. So you will continue to see more toxins in our environment, more genetically modified organisms (GMO's), and more cancer.

Eliminating environmental toxins from your diet (by eating organically grown foods and avoiding chlorinated/fluoridated water) and your surroundings (by using non-toxic, natural cleansers, cosmetics, furniture, building materials, and clothing) will go a long way toward eliminating cancer from your life.

There has recently been more research pointing to the fact that cancer is indeed man made. The Daily Mail in summarizing this study reports:"Tumors were rare until recent times when pollution and poor diet became issues, the review of mummies, fossils and classical literature found... Despite slivers of tissue from hundreds of Egyptian mummies being rehydrated and placed under the microscope, only one case of cancer has been confirmed. Dismissing the argument that the ancient Egyptians didn't live long enough to develop cancer, the researchers pointed out that other age-related disease such as hardening of the arteries and brittle bones did occur.

" Fossil evidence of cancer is also sparse, with scientific literature providing a few dozen, mostly disputed, examples in animal fossils... Even the study of thousands of Neanderthal bones has provided only one example of a possible cancer."

Professor Rosalie David, a co-author of this recently published study stated: 'There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle."

Read the book Cancer-Gate by Dr. Samuel Epstein for a full understanding of this. He explains how the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have betrayed us, spending tens of billions of dollars of taxpayers and charity money primarily targeting silver-bullet drugs while ignoring strategies for preventing cancer in the first place.

Lifestyle change is one of the easiest and most effective cancer-fighting strategies there is.

With this advanced understanding of how cancer works, you do not need to fall victim to cancer. You can take action to prevent cancer or to beat cancer, even in the later stages of the disease. A comprehensive approach, doing as much as possible, is best.

The only reason not to use a multiple supplement approach is cost. Some of the best products are expensive, but there are plenty of relatively inexpensive ones among the top tier products. The more angles you attack from, the better, so in making a decision as to what to get, choose a variety of the top products, if possible.

One of the best things you can do to learn about diet and lifestyle changes that can improve your health is to get the book Diagnostic Face Reading and the Holistic You. It is full of useful information that can help you take charge of your health. In addition, you'll learn how to use diagnostic face reading to determine which organs need extra help. (Our recommended supplier does carry this book.)

Here are some more simple lifestyle changes to help you win the fight:

•Eliminate refined sugars, oils and carbohydrates

•Eat more fruits and vegetables. (While a grape diet has eliminated cancer in some people, you typically want to stay away from eating a lot of fruit, as sugar feeds cancer cells.)

•Eat organic whenever possible.

•Make sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids, especially Omega 3.

•Spend some time out in the sun to get vitamin D or take supplemental D.

•Stay away from chlorinated drinking water and chlorinated water in showers.

Natural Cancer-Fighting Strategies: Product Overview

You can't do too much when you're fighting cancer, only too little. The more you're doing, the more ways you're attacking cancer, the greater your odds of success.

Even if you are taking a supplement that has helped many people, it may not be all you need because you have other issues that supplement doesn't address. A broad, wide-ranging approach to supporting your health and fighting cancer always works best.

Continuing your natural treatments for up to a year after you are cancer-free will give your body the time and energy it needs to fully recover. Consider getting some NMT treatments to clear up unresolved stress that disrupts your immune response and could prevent you from beating cancer.

INSIDE TIP: Even if you are taking a number of supplements in moderate doses, you need to use high therapeutic amounts of at least one or two of the top-tier cancer fighting products discussed in this report.

All of the products can be used with each other, and don't have negative interactions with medications you may be on - other than zeolite. Zeolite pulls platinum out of three chemotherapy treatments that use platinum. Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxaliplatin. You must stop zeolite supplements 3 days before chemo treatments with these three and wait 3 days afterwards.

If you use supplements in addition to what your doctor recommends, you will amplify the benefits of the chemotherapy.

Remember, the more ways you attack cancer, the better your chances are of beating it. The best alternative cancer clinics in the world use multiple supplements and holistic treatments. They don't do just one thing. If possible, do the same yourself.

These cancer fighting strategies do work. We hear reports all the time of people getting over tough cancers using these strategies and supplements. Hit cancer as hard as possible with a variety of cancer fighting products and diet improvements. It makes no sense to do less.

What To Do? Where To Start?

We have covered a large number of supplements in this online ebook. As this can be a bit overwhelming, we are going to summarize them so that you can better make a decision as to what to do, if you want to do anything.

We will do so by grouping the supplements according to their energetic testing results. Following the logic that the higher potency supplements, with the higher numbers, are more powerful cancer fighters. And the more of these you use, the better. This is born out in practice.

Then we will give you some further tips about the product combinations. But before that, here is a summary of some things to do if you feel you can't afford to purchase supplements. These suggestions have more value than many expensive supplements being used to fight cancer.

Low Or No Cost Suggestions

For starters, stop eating processed, refined, sugarized foods. Eat simple. Whole grains, lots of vegetables. Cut down on animal protein though a little is okay. Try to make that organic. Cut out all sugars, cookies, chips, etc. Now of course, you may not want to change your habits. That's okay, you have every right to live or die as you like.

Adjust pH levels using the baking soda and water protocol. At least 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals to as much as 2 teaspoons per quart of water, and drink 5 quarts a day. This comes in at around 200 for the higher dose.

Even better, buy one bottle of pH Balancer. Crush a tablet. Put some of the crushed tablet on a piece of adhesive tape and tape to the bottom of your right foot, in the middle of the ball of your foot. (Put another piece of tape crosswise over this to hold in place.) Keep it on 24 hours and then replace with more of the tablet which you should store in a small airtight container. One bottle will last six months or more in this manner as there are 90 tablets in a bottle. And it stimulates the balancing of pH levels almost as effectively as taking tablets internally. Energetic testing puts this at 469.

Do the Budwig flax seed protocol. Grind or blend up flax seeds fresh every day or stored in refrigerator, as they are much less expensive than flax oil. Eat a cup a day blended in with cottage cheese or yogurt to enhance absorption. You can make a smoothie with this if you want. Berries are good to use as they are not as sweet as other fruits. Again around a 200.

Get the Vitamin D Forte Emulsified with a 590 rating when using 25 drops a day. You would need a bit over a bottle a month.

Get the Zeolite Liquid Ingredients to make a whole lot of liquid zeolite, as good as any zeolite liquid on the market except Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. You can bring down the price of zeolite to around 10 cents an ounce with these ingredients. It is easy to make too. Energetic testing puts this at 398 when used in high quantities, considerably better than any of the other zeolite liquids you read about online except the Zeolite Enhanced with DHD recommended in this report which is about 3 times more powerful.

If there are relatives or friends who are willing to do hands on healing on the person with cancer, get the Quantum Touch book and learn how to do it. The DVD course with the book is better, but more expensive. Still it is just a one time purchase. Energetic testing put this even higher, at a very strong 397 if it is done twice a day on the person with cancer. About 15 minute sessions each time.

Something the person with cancer can and should do is the Louise Hay healing affirmation for cancer. People have beat cancer using this affirmation.

"I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself."

Say the affirmation 10 times a day, in one session is fine. Energetic testing puts this affirmation, when done, at a strong 310. Another affirmation Dr. Whittaker recommends all his patients use is the classic,

"Every day in every way, I am getting better and better."

He gets a lot of positive feedback from his patients on the benefits of this affirmation. You don't have to believe an affirmation to get benefit from saying it. Say either or both of these 10 times a day and you will have benefit.

"Low Budget" Suggestions

If you are on a limited budget, but can afford to get a few supplements, the products to consider using are pretty straightforward, and simple. For an early stage where there is no cancer in the brain, bones or against a nerve, stages 0 to 3, it would be the following:

Azovin - 1 bottle per month.

For an advanced stage cancer increase Azovin to 2 bottles per month and add on OCMP - 3 bottles a month.

If cancer is in the brain, bones, or where inflammation would cause problems, Surozyme is best to do. One to 3 bottles a month.

And of course consider adding on the low or no cost suggestions above.

General Protocols To Help You Decide What To Get

Below are two lists of supplements rated according to their energetic testing numbers. The first list is for most cancers, the second when you can't hit the cancer as hard because you can't risk swelling. If after reading these summaries, you still find it too hard to decide what to use, or if you want to optimize what to get, or if you want to try and reduce costs by getting just what your body's energies say you need for overall health, get A Personal Protocol from our recommended supplier.

The general rule is, the more you do, the greater the likelihood of success. But everyone is different, your cancers all have slightly different causes. And there is no one protocol that works best in all cases.

These lists will guide you to the most effective cancer fighting products available - we always keep updating these.

In the lists below, along with the supplement name will be the suggested number of bottles to use in a month for an adult - as the ranking for that supplement is based on using that many bottles per month.

The first number is for Early Stage cancer, the second number is for Stage 4 cancer. If a third number is given, it is for very advanced cancers. We will also tell you what section the supplement is in so you can read about it again if you want.

Some of the top supplements work particularly well together. These groupings will be covered also.

Everyone is different. Some supplements are more important for you than others that may be higher rated if your body needs them more. Major alternative cancer clinics, the expensive ones, may run a series of tests to find out what is going on in your body. You can get something similar done by getting A Personal Protocol through our recommended supplier. For it you would be energetically tested to match the energies in your body with the best products for you to use. This is not specifically for cancer, or any disease. Rather it is using energies to determine what would be most healthy for your body to use. Getting such a protocol will save you money and increase your likelihood of becoming healthy again as you will be able to focus on what your body most needs to use to improve its health.

It is always good to use a variety of supplements to hit the cancer in several ways. This may mean, if your budget is small, limiting your choices to a top rated supplement or combination, and then dropping down to pick up a foundational product like OCMP.

The Best Supplements When You Don't Have To Worry About Inflammation

This listing comprises the strongest cancer killers. If you have cancer in the bones, brain, or anywhere where killing a cancer cell and the resultant inflammation and swelling that occurs would cause problems, use the second list below this one.

Custom Elixir GL and Custom Elixir EE together test at 10,3300 when used in high doses 4, 6 or 8 bottles of GL and 6, 8 or 10 bottles of EE. Using the SoundTherapy CD with these, to establish greater coherence in the brain and produce more endorphins, increases the energetic testing to 18,500. A very big jump in effectiveness. In fact the next highest is about half of this. Immune System

Surozyme Version II with Essential OIls comes in at 8940. It gets all your enzymes working better, which supports the entire body, and kills cancer cells too. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles a month. Immune System

Azovin comes in at 8750. Immune System section. A top cancer killer, it also supports the overall health of the body. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles a month.

Tovil comes in at 7860. Super potentized healing water that kills cancer and supports the body. Also 1 to 3 bottles a month. Immune System

Corvix rates at 6780. Immune System section 1 to 3 bottles a month. Gets the immune system to better fight cancer. Can also be used with Custom Elixir COOL when you want to kill cancer cells but need to minimize swelling.

Omni Elixir Version 2 tests at 6670. Use along with Blue Tonic at 5530. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles of each per month. Immune System section. These are powerful cancer killers that also boosts the immune system and your energy.

Custom Elixir RAD comes in at 6590 when using 6, 8 or 10 bottles a month. Its energies disrupt and kill cancer cells. Immune System

Quanzor comes in now at 4840. A cancer killer that also supports the health of the entire body with a regenerative effect. Use 1, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Immune System section

Azovin, Corvix, Surozyme, Matrix Factor and Tachyon Minerals are all excellent when used directly on the skin for accelerating wound healing, recovery from surgery, radiation burns, and cancerous lesions. As they all work in different ways, use as many of these as you have on the injured area. Corvix is the best followed by Matrix Factor. On the average, energetic rating for their ability to help wounds heal fast is substantial, over 6000.

OxyDHQ works especially well in combination with Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and pH Balancer 8.0. With these three you are thoroughly covering alkalinity, oxygenation, detoxification and just plain killing cancer cells. This combination, when each supplement is taken in the appropriate quantities for the stage of cancer, comes in at 3340.

Jenny Mannion's Long Distance Healing comes in at 3290. Her sessions can also be used to potentize or personalize the supplements or other therapies you are using to be more effect for you. Energetics

UltraImmune9 and StressDefense Combo energetically tests at 3280. These two mushroom based supplements work synergistically together to form powerful nutrient support for the immune system. Use 4, 6, or 9 of the UltraImmune9 and 1, 2, or 3 of StressDefense. Immune

OCMP and Custom Elixir pH Combo work synergistically to fight cancer by increasing alkalinity. 2920 when taking 2, 3 or 4 of the Custom Elixir pH and 1, 2 or 3 of the OCMP. pH section

Detox Elixir comes in at 1470 for the ability of its energies to fight cancer by increasing cellular detoxification and improving liver function. Use 6, 8, or 10 bottles a month. Detoxify section

StressDefense is the next strongest hard, non-energetic supplement, coming in at 1350. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles per month. Immune System

Genista comes in at 1320. Use 1, 2 or 3 containers a month. While Genista is suggested for brain or spinal tumors and bone cancers, especially when used with Custom Elixir COOL, if you are already experiencing dysfunction and pain, it may be best to forego using Genista. It is very anti-inflammatory which reduces swelling, but it kills a lot of cancer cells so overall would tend to slightly increase swelling in tumors as the body uses inflammation to get rid of the dead cells. Immune System

OCMP comes in at 1280 for fighting cancer. It is one of the first hard products to get after using some of the high powered elixirs above as it works at a fundamental level to fight cancer. pH section

SoundTherapy CD on its own is 1240 for fighting cancer. Immune System

Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is 1150. Use 3, 6 or 9 one ounce bottles a month. Remember, as with all other supplements, Zeolite can be used with all chemotherapies - except you must stop taking zeolite 3 days before platinum based chemotherapies and wait 3 days after to restart. Zeolite (Cancer Killers)

Neuroliminal Training Cancer NT CD comes in at 1110 in general for cancer and is especially important if you know stress or loss may have led to the cancer. A one time purchase, you put the CD on repeat and listen to it while you sleep, or during the day, at a barely audible level. In the Psychological section because it works to resolve any possible psychological issues that may have lead to your cancer.

OxyDHQ comes in at 1080 when used in the suggested quantities of 3, 4, or 5 four ounce bottles a month. Along with OCMP, is one of the best all around cancer prevention supplements too. Start with low doses and gradually increase to full dosage. Oxygenation

Fulvitea is 1030. Use 3, 4 or 6 containers a month. Fights cancer, but most important for dealing with catabolic wasting as it helps to repair the liver, and for end stage cancers where its predigested protein and regenerative factors are a source of easy to use nutrient support for the body. Regenerative Elixir and Fulvitea used together for catabolic wasting, test very strong at 3260. Enzymes

Custom Elixir pH tests at 890 when taking 2, 3 or 4 per month. Use much more to deal with ascites.

EC-15 is 875. Use one set a month unless in very very bad shape, then use 2. The healing elixirs in EC-15 are most important when people are in bad shape and need as much support as possible to keep them alive. Usually just for the first month or two. Energetics

Custom Elixir DOS comes in at 837 for its ability to turn on support for the liver and kidneys. It is often one of the more important products to use and both these organs need as much support as possible when you are killing cancer cells and / or have been exposed to the always toxic chemotherapy. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month. Detoxify section

PapayaPro tests energetically at 830 for its ability to get rid of dead cancer cells by digesting them. This takes a major load off the immune system and the detoxification system and enables you to attack the cancer more vigorously. PapayaPro will, as it digests the dead cells in tumors, works to reduce tumor size. This is especially important if you have bone cancer or brain tumors, or any type of tumor in a place where it is causing pain or dysfunction. Using PapayaPro in very high doses, 4 containers a month, which is 8 scoops a day in water on an empty stomach, is called for in this situation. For not as vital getting rid of dead cancer cell support, use 1 to 3 bottles a month. Detoxify section

Custom Elixir FHB tests at 740 for females with hormonal cancers. Its energies balance out the hormonal system, reducing excess estrogen and increasing production of progesterone, or whatever your body needs to bring its hormonal levels back to optimal, non cancer stimulating, balance. Suggested to be used while fighting a hormonal based cancer at 1 or 2 bottles a month. As a maintenance afterwards, or after surgery and chemotherapy if that is the route you have taken, use a bottle a month. Safer and more effective than the meds used for this, which energetically test at 35 for their healing power. This low score, common with chemotherapy and medicines, is an indication that they do have harmful side effects and don't work well to boot. Energetics

Custom Elixir DHT tests at 680 for males with prostate cancer as it reduces DHT levels. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month while there is cancer, 1 per month for prevention/maintenance. Energetics

Custom Elixir LS tests at 620 in healing power for people with cancer in their lymph system. It is always a valuable product if you have cancer in your lymph system, and useful even if you don't. With the super powerful cancer cell killers we now recommend, users are finding that their lymph system is becoming clogged up with cancer cells that have been killed and that their lymph nodes are swelling. Using PapayaPro and Custom Elixir LS will help deal with this issue. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month of Custom Elixir LS. Energetics

UltraImmune9, newly reformulated, when used in high therapeutic dosages of 6, 9 or 12 90 capsule bottles a month, comes in at 630. That would be using 18, 27 or 36 capsules a day. Immune System

CandiClear5 energetically tests at 610. It is especially valuable for colon, stomach and rectal cancers where more of the fossilized phytoplankton and zeolite powder will be working on the cancer. Fungus section

Vitamin D Forte Emulsified is 590. A bottle of these liquid drops lasts 44 days. Use 25 drops every 3 days when dealing with cancer, which is 50,000 units. Inexpensive and powerful, everyone should be using this one. Uses 1/3 bottle a month. Immune System

pH Balancer 8.0 is a 499. Use 3, 4 or 5 of these 90 tablet bottles per month. Because this potentizes many of the top rated supplements, it is much more valuable than its rating suggests. It is also anti-inflammatory. pH section

Michael Limacher is 452. Consider using him if you want to get some healing energy going right away. By the way, energetic testing puts him as perhaps the most powerful healer on the planet right now. On a scale where 1000 is as good as you can get, he comes in at 994. Energetics

UltraLiver8 is 438. It is usually called for when there is cancer in the liver as it both fights the cancer and supports the liver. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Detoxify

Liver Balance Plus is 394 for its ability to turn on and support the liver. Significantly better than most liver support products. It is most often called for when there is no cancer in the liver but the user needs a lot of liver support. UltraLiver8 is suggested where there is cancer in the liver. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Detoxify

For most cancers you can use the energetic testing numbers above to help you decide what to get. The higher the number the more vigorous its action. Try to spread out the action. If you have a couple of the top immune system supplements, and can only get one or two more supplements, consider dropping down further in the list and picking up OCMP and maybe something like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ to hit the cancer in different way.

If you have any cancer in your liver, add on UltraLiver8, and Custom Elixir DOS (for Detox Organ Support).

If you have any cancer in your kidneys, give your kidney's additional support with Kidney Rescue and Custom Elixir DOS.

In general, if you are considering a number of products to use, make one of them Detox Elixir as it helps deal with the all important cellular detoxification and also supports liver function. Dead cancer cells are highly toxic. They and chemotherapy put quite a load on your liver and detoxification system.

Don't get too overwhelmed about what to get. When we energetically test people who have been using some or all of the highest rated supplements, we are finding huge decreases in the amount of cancer cells. Our energetic testing is picking up as much as a 40% to 60% decrease in live cancer cells within a month, depending on how many of these products are used, even with advanced cancers (when taking the advanced cancer dosages).

These products include: Surozyme Version II, Azovin, Corvix, Omni Elixir Version 2, Blue Tonic ,Quanzor, Genista, StressDefense. OCMP is one of the top supplements to use after a few of the highest rated ones.

Best Supplements To Use When You Can't Risk Inflammation and Tumor Swelling

If you have no pain or dysfunction you can start out using some or all of these first 3 cancer killers that also have an anti-inflammatory action. You will need to use Custom Elixir COOL along with them to prevent them from causing swelling. If you do have pain or dysfunction already, skip them and start with COOL - to try to bring down tumor inflammation - and work with the other products that will not cause any swelling.

Corvix rates at 6780. Immune System section 1 to 3 bottles a month. Gets the immune system to better fight cancer. Can also be used with Custom Elixir COOL when you have no current pain or dysfunction to kill cancer cells but need to minimize swelling. Immune

Creation Elixir comes in at 3640 for fighting cancer when using 4, 8 or 12 bottles monthly. Because it has strong anti-inflammatory action along with cancer killing ability, it is next to Corvix in importance if you can use these.. Immune

Genista comes in at 1320. Use 1, 2 or 3 containers a month. While Genista is suggested for brain or spinal tumors and bone cancers, especially when used with Custom Elixir COOL, if you are already experiencing dysfunction and pain, it may be best to forego using Genista. It is very anti-inflammatory which reduces swelling, but it kills a lot of cancer cells so overall would tend to slightly increase swelling in tumors as the body uses inflammation to get rid of the dead cells. Immune System

Custom Elixir COOL energetically tests at 4310. Immune System It modulates the immune system inflammatory response so reduce inflammation. Use in high doses for best results. 8, 10, or 12 bottles a month. Use with the above, or as part of the basic no inflammation at all protocol if you have pain or dysfunction to try and reduce tumor size. PapayaPro is also most important for reducing tumor size.

Custom Elixir APOP energetically tests at 6850 when using 8, 10 or 12 bottles a month. It instructs your cancer cells to die a natural death. Apoptosis. Immune System

Surozyme tests at 6390. Best for fighting cancer without causing swelling of tumors, it optimizes enzyme function throughout the body, Used to normalize cancer cell function. 1 to 3 bottles a month. Immune System

Matrix Factor comes in 5950. Immune System section It is one of the most important supplement when cancer is in the brain and bone. It causes cancer cells to normalize and when a cancer cell becomes a normal cell, it realizes that it has lived too long and tells itself to die - which does not cause inflammation. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles a month.

Jenny Mannion's Long Distance Healing comes in at 3290. Her sessions can also be used to potentize or personalize the supplements or other therapies you are using to be more effect for you. Energetics

Tachyon Minerals comes in at 2070. Immune System section It causes cancer cells to normalize and when a cancer cell becomes a normal cell, it realizes that it has lived too long and tells itself to die. Use 1, 3 or 4 bottles a month. May reduce pain when used topically on a cloth.

GeProCoQ10 Max, Custom Elixir COPE and Life Force Elixir comes next at 1530 according to our energetic re-evaluation. Use 6 or 7 of the GeProCoQ10 Max 30 capsule bottles a month, 2 or 3 of the Custom Elixir COPE and only 1 per month of Life Force Elixir. If you have congestive heart failure, GeProCoQ10 Max is a must to do. Oxygenation

Detox Elixir comes in at 1470 for the ability of its energies to fight cancer by increasing cellular detoxification and improving liver function. Use 6, 8, or 10 bottles a month. Detoxify section

Tachyon Quartz and Tachyon Healing Cloth come in at 1320. Immune System section. These supply a constant source of tachyon energy to the body. Tachyon energies are known for helping with pain when used topically as these would be.

SoundTherapy CD on its own is 1240 for fighting cancer. Immune System

Glyco Ultra, Clear Circuit Elixir and Clear Circuit Herbal Formula come in when used together at 1180. Use 1 or 3 containers each monthly of Glyco Ultra and the Clear Circuit Herbal Formula, and 2 or 3 bottles of the Clear Circuit Elixir. These get the immune system to communicate more effectively. Immune System

Neuroliminal Training Cancer NT CD comes in at 1110 in general for cancer and is especially important if you know stress or loss may have led to the cancer. A one time purchase, you put the CD on repeat and listen to it while you sleep, or during the day, at a barely audible level. In the Psychological section because it works to resolve any possible psychological issues that may have lead to your cancer.

Fulvitea is 1030. Use 3, 4 or 6 containers a month. Fights cancer in a way that does not cause swelling, but most important for dealing with catabolic wasting as it helps to repair the liver, and for end stage cancers where its predigested protein and regenerative factors are a source of easy to use nutrient support for the body. Regenerative Elixir and Fulvitea used together for catabolic wasting, test very strong at 3260. Enzymes

Clear Circuit Pendant is 950 for pain relief. Consider this as something additional to use when dealing with pain. Helps fight cancer too. Energetics

Agaricus Enhanced is 940 when using 4, 6 or 8 bottles a month. Small bottles of liquid, very easy to take. Immune System

Custom Elixir pH tests at 890 when taking 2, 3 or 4 per month. Use much more to deal with ascites.

EC-15 is 875. Use one set a month unless in very very bad shape, then use 2. The healing elixirs in EC-15 are most important when people are in bad shape and need as much support as possible to keep them alive. Usually just for the first month or two. Energetics

Custom Elixir DOS comes in at 837 for its ability to turn on support for the liver and kidneys. It is often one of the more important products to use and both these organs need as much support as possible when you are killing cancer cells and / or have been exposed to the always toxic chemotherapy. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month. Detoxify section

PapayaPro tests energetically at 830 for its ability to get rid of dead cancer cells by digesting them. This takes a major load off the immune system and the detoxification system and enables you to attack the cancer more vigorously. PapayaPro will, as it digests the dead cells in tumors, works to reduce tumor size. This is especially important if you have bone cancer or brain tumors, or any type of tumor in a place where it is causing pain or dysfunction. Using PapayaPro in very high doses, 4 containers a month, which is 8 scoops a day in water on an empty stomach, is called for in this situation. For not as vital getting rid of dead cancer cell support, use 1 to 3 bottles a month. Detoxify section

PRP Immune Modulator Combo is an immune modulation combination that tests energetically at 740. Use 2 or 3 of each monthly, 4 of each for very advanced cancers. Immune System

Custom Elixir FHB tests at 740 for females with hormonal cancers. Its energies balance out the hormonal system, reducing excess estrogen and increasing production of progesterone, or whatever your body needs to bring its hormonal levels back to optimal, non cancer stimulating, balance. Suggested to be used while fighting a hormonal based cancer at 1 or 2 bottles a month. As a maintenance afterwards, or after surgery and chemotherapy if that is the route you have taken, use a bottle a month. Safer and more effective than the meds used for this, which energetically test at 35 for their healing power. This low score, common with chemotherapy and medicines, is an indication that they do have harmful side effects and don't work well to boot. Energetics

Custom Elixir DHT tests at 680 for males with prostate cancer as it reduces DHT levels. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month while there is cancer, 1 per month for prevention/maintenance. Energetics

Custom Elixir LS tests at 620 in healing power for people with cancer in their lymph system. It is always a valuable product if you have cancer in your lymph system, and useful even if you don't. With the super powerful cancer cell killers we now recommend, users are finding that their lymph system is becoming clogged up with cancer cells that have been killed and that their lymph nodes are swelling. Using PapayaPro and Custom Elixir LS will help deal with this issue. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month of Custom Elixir LS. Energetics

MSM in very large doses of 20 to 40 grams a day is 500. Increase slowly to this dosage if you are not in a crisis situation. This quantity requires taking 2 to 4 level measuring Tablespoons daily. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory and excellent for pain relief. Does kill cancer cells too. Oxygenation

pH Balancer 8.0 is a 499. Use 3, 4 or 5 of these 90 tablet bottles per month. Because this potentizes many of the top rated supplements, it is much more valuable than its rating suggests. It is also anti-inflammatory. pH section

Health First Grape Seed Extract is a 489. Use 6 or 9 of these 60 capsule bottles a month. This is excellent for reducing inflammation, helping wounds heal, fighting cancer. One of the more important ones to use where there is a lot of pain. Anti-Oxidants

Michael Limacher is 452. Consider using him if you want to get some healing energy going right away. By the way, energetic testing puts him as perhaps the most powerful healer on the planet right now. On a scale where 1000 is as good as you can get, he comes in at 994. Energetics

Liver Balance Plus is 394 for its ability to turn on and support the liver. Significantly better than most liver support products. It is most often called for when there is no cancer in the liver but the user needs a lot of liver support. UltraLiver8 is suggested where there is cancer in the liver. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Detoxify

For most cancers you can use the energetic testing numbers above to help you decide what to get. The higher the number the more vigorous its action. Try to spread out the action. If you have a couple of the top immune system supplements, and can only get one or two more supplements, consider dropping down further in the list and picking up OCMP and maybe something like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ to hit the cancer in different way.

If you have any cancer in your liver, add on Liver Balance Plus and Custom Elixir DOS (for Detox Organ Support).

If you have any cancer in your kidneys, give your kidney's additional support with Kidney Rescue and Custom Elixir DOS.

In general, if you are considering a number of products to use, make one of them Detox Elixir as it helps deal with the all important cellular detoxification and also supports liver function. Dead cancer cells are highly toxic. They and chemotherapy put quite a load on your liver and detoxification system.

OCMP and OxyDHQ, a bottle of each a month, are basic supplements to take for cancer prevention. Followed by Azovin with its ability to kill cancer cells, pathogens, and boost the overall health of the body.

Don't be overwhelmed by the length of the lists. All these products are very good, most are great. Even a few can beat cancer. If your cancer is advanced, the more you can do the more likely the success. (You can always beat early stage cancers. If you are using just one or two supplements and not getting on top of the cancer, just bite the bullet and do more.) As you can see from the energetic testing results, the products most highly recommended in this report are significantly stronger than the typical anti-cancer supplements you may have been using. And much stronger than any chemotherapy too.

By the way, don't give up hope if your oncologist tells you that your cancer is terminal. That there is nothing they can do. If you are not dying right then, if you have months or even weeks, to live, these products can beat your cancer - if you use them. Because the doctors do not have effective drugs to battle cancer, you would indeed be bound to die according to what they know and do. So to them, you are terminal. But from my way of looking at things, that's not likely to be the case. These products are much more effective than what the doctors are used to using or to seeing used.

Remember: You don't have to use everything in the suggested therapeutic amounts. However, using several supplements in therapeutic quantities is important in order to get enough to make a difference. (Of course, we have heard many stories where just one supplement knocked out a cancer. More is better though.)

Because these products are natural, they can be used with whatever else you may be doing. If there are any issues at all, like with zeolite and platinum based chemotherapy, we mention it.

You can undergo chemotherapy or radiation and still take these supplements. You can be on heart medication and take them. And so on. The more advanced a cancer is, the better it is to do more. A multi-angle attack will increase your odds of success.

•These strategies have worked for many many people. The sooner you start using them, the greater your chances of success. Some health practitioners say that your chances are almost nil if you don't use natural supplements that promote health along with doing whatever your doctor has you do.

•(Don't worry too much about the side effects of chemotherapy if you are using several of these products. They help reduce or eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy. And help the chemo work more effectively.

•These supplements are so powerful, it doesn't make sense to lose organs or parts of your body when a strong natural approach such as featured in this report will most often get rid of cancer on its own if you hit it hard enough.)

If you have time on your side, chances are very high that employing these strategies will stop and even reverse your cancer because they correct the underlying conditions that allowed the cancer to develop in the first place.

•Even if your cancer is quite advanced, you can beat cancer if you have enough time to give the supplements an opportunity to do what they do. And if you take enough to get the job done. The more cancer there is, the more you need to do. You want your army to be killing the cancer faster than it can replicate.

•Plan on continuing a cancer fighting regime for at least a year. Even if the cancer is gone in a few months, you need to support the body to help it recover so that the cancer doesn't come back later. Just reduce dosages and the number of supplements as you become healthier.

•These strategies won't help you if you don't use them.

•The recommended supplements are safe and natural; they won't hurt you in any way. They only do good in your body. Use them in addition to what your doctor has you do, or use them on their own.

Good luck with your battle against cancer. Here is your....

5 Step Game Plan

1.Take your time and read over the information, more than once if necessary. If you are not sure what to use, and want to be energetically tested for what products or supplements will be most important to your body, get A Personal Protocol from GetHealthyAgain.

2. Look for the products you have decided to use and purchase them.

3. Start taking these products faithfully and in the suggested dosage as discussed above. Be aware that you can feel more tired at first as your body is working harder to fight the cancer - now that it has some nutritional support. If you get too tired, or feel a bit sick (from your body not being able to detoxify all the dead cancer cells and from the increased detoxification of your body which may overwhelm your detox organs), reduce dosage temporarily and get more support for your detox organs. Unlike chemotherapy, these products do not harm your body. They can only do more than your body can handle. They will also help alleviate the toxic side effects of chemotherapy.

4. If you see positive results, great. Continue on till the cancer is gone. By the way, most cancer blood marker tests and PSA tests measure dead cancer cells as part of the score. So numbers will rise at first if you are taking supplements that are killing cancer cells. So don't be alarmed if scores rise at first. It's just what happens. And tumors enlarge when you are killing the cancer cells in them as the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of those cells. We here many stories of tumors being removed that were completely dead because of the supplements that were taken.

If you are not getting on top of the cancer and improving, your cancer is probably growing faster than you are killing it off. In this case, your best bet is to increase the number of products and or increase the dosage of what you are taking. You can always beat early stage cancers and most advanced cancers just by making sure you are taking enough supplements to kill the cancer faster than it is growing. This means that if you have a lot of cancer in your body, you likely will need to take a lot of supplements to beat the cancer. If you have time, you can always start with just a few supplements and see if they get the job done. If that doesn't seem to be working, know that for your body and what you are dealing with, you need to do more. Of course, people with end stage cancers whose bodies are breaking down have less chance of success. You need to support their immune system, organs and detoxification system more, and not be as aggressive at killing off the cancer until they become stronger. These supplements and other suggestions in this report may give someone with end stage cancer their best chance at beating cancer, but it can be too late. You can only try.

5. Once your cancer is gone, and for most of you it will be if you follow the suggestions in this report, don't stop using the supplements immediately, or go back on a bad diet. Reduce dosages and possibly the number of supplements you take gradually. Continue to take some for about a year for best results. And consider staying on a bottle a month of OxyDHQ or OCMP as a preventative.

11 Resources To Help Your Fight Against Cancer

Only a few of the best supplements you'll need to beat cancer and win are widely available. Most are hard to find. Below is a source where you can stock up on these special supplements - the ammunition you need - to overcome your cancer. Plus links to other information you might find to be of interest.

1) GetHealthyAgain is an excellent and helpful online store specializing in effective immune support supplements. It carries the supplements, and more. They can answer questions you may have about the supplements, and can help you figure out how to use whatever products you get in combination. Call them at: 800-832-9755 or 907-235-5556

In addition, you get a 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee on their products.

CLICK HERE to visit their supplement page -



2) Deciding what to use can be overwhelming. Just as we use energetic testing to help us determine what supplements and actions have more healing power, for a fee you can get an energetic assessment done to help determine what the most powerful supplements and actions would be for your overall health, matching your energies with those of the supplements for the best fit for you. This will help you avoid wasting money on products that are not as effective as you would hope they would be, and help you determine, on a limited budget, what would be best to get. This service is listed under A Personal Protocol at

3) NeuroModulation Technique or NMT will help eliminate unconscious automonic nervous system dysfunction cause by stress or other issues that may be an underlying cause of cancer. Find a therapist locally to work on you if you can. You can do this by phone with our recommended therapist, Luminara Serdar. (Early stage cancers only.) Go to to learn more. gives more information and lists other practitioners (who may work with stage 4 cancers).

Several cancer clinics and alternative dentists feel that cavitations are an underlying cause of cancer. Dealing with these cavitations if expensive to say the least. NMT practitioners, including Luminara, have helped lots of people with cavitations - necrosis in the jawbones - usually due to extracted or root canalled teeth. Anaerobic bacteria colonize in the jaw bones, proliferate, and release toxins 1000 times more toxic than botulism toxins. This can wreak havoc when the toxins get into the blood stream and go to other parts of the body. Dr. Leslie Feinberg, developer of NMT, published a study on the healing of cavitations in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Feb. 09. NMT is also excellent for pain relief and would help with nausea too. They do not work on disease per se, just on eliminating these dysfunctions and blocks which do effect your health.

4) With a tough case of cancer, it never hurts to put an energetic healer to work on you. A good healer like Michael Limacher can help, and with some of the people he has worked on, long distance or in person, their cancers just disappeared. If you have an interest in him working with you long distance, give Michael a call at: 907-299-1852. Throughout his 58 years of helping others, Michael has often donated his time helping the poor in need. However, for those who can afford to support his work, it's greatly appreciated. His website is P.O. Box 3001 Homer, AK 99603. Minimum suggested donation is $75.

5) The best medical intuitive we know of is Menachem Klein. He has the ability, while on the phone with you, to sense inside your body and see what is happening there. He was right on the money in picking out 5 or 6 things I need to deal with. Better still, he can heal and work with psychological issues, and make suggestions as to what you may need to do. And as you will see from his website, he works on spiritual issues too if you request. To learn more about him and what he does, or to set an appointment, go to

6) The highest rated energetic healing we've tested so far is done by Jenny Mannion. Her healing power now tests energetically when doing a Healing session for you at an amazing 3290. Doing 3 sessions is best at $100 a session, but even one session can be powerful. If money is tight, ask her about doing a mini session focused on increasing the effectiveness of the supplements, chemotherapies or even radiation therapy you are doing. She can personalize them to you and increase their effectiveness, according to our testing, anywhere from 50 to 88% for supplements depending on whether you do one session or three, and we test you might be able to get a 100% to 160% increase in the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy with one to three mini-sessions. Or include them in with a full healing session. Go to or give her a call at 607-437-7867. This is done long distance and the person being worked on does not have to be on the phone.

7) People sometimes ask what foods are good for you, and what aren't. Other than general common sense like staying away from sugars, refined flours, refined vegetable oils, reduce animal protein to no more than 10% of your diet and make sure it's organic, and increase intake of vegetables and some fruit, it's very hard to say what's good for you and what isn't. That's because your metabolic body type plays a big part in determining what foods are good for you and what aren't so good. There is a science behind this that can help you determine what foods may be good for you, and which ones you may want to minimize. Click here to learn more about the metabolic typing diet and to get a test to determine which metabolic type you are.

8) If you have digestive problems, a good place to learn about how to improve your digestion is the great taste no pain information on food combining. It has helped people deal with an astounding variety of digestive issues. We learned about this from a woman who use it along with a number of products we recommend and other healing modalities to beat her cancer. Click here to learn more about this.

9)As part of changing to an anti-cancer lifestyle, using non toxic shampoo and hair care products is valuable. Even shampoos labeled organic can contain toxins and chemicals. The best source for high quality yet non toxic hair care products are the Morocco Method products. You won't find any chemicals listed in their list of ingredients. Low sudsing, and they work very very well. Click Here to learn more about these top of the line products, and to order if you like.

10) Two websites provide extensive education on the dangers of Genetically Modified foods - which will likely cause many cancers, and could become a huge disaster that needs to be stopped. Learn what you can do to stop this craziness. focuses on what to do. focuses on what's wrong with genetically modifying food.

11) If you are taking MSM Powder and don't like the taste, or if food tastes awful because of chemotherapy, try Miracle Berry tablets. (Many Chemo treatments cause the mouth to get an awful, metallic taste in it and nothing seems to have much flavor). The Miracle Berry is a fruit which, when chewed slowly, causes anything that is eaten for about the next hour, to taste sweet. It will make a big difference in how the MSM tastes, or how your food tastes if that is the problem. Find out more, and order, at

Thank you for taking the time to read this report. We hope it has been of use to you.

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