Thursday, May 5, 2011


This go out to B. Obama, Hilary Clinton
And everybody else who feels like uh
They stronger than the constitution
Freedom of speech big baby
Freedom of speech
I lowered the volume of Tupac's Don't Stop song streaming from the Bose speakers.
On Tom's screen: Obama says he won't release bin Laden death photo.Given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk...

How is this for bullshit? I knew it! When the news of 'Osama Killed' hit the American people and the rest of the world, my answer was this: I'll decide after I see how the body is handled. No Houdini or David Copperfield stunts, then maybe, just a little maybe. All along, I knew from [......] that they could've gotten him two years ago, three years ago or even five years...

Tom? I voice.
Yees, Maven, with a hint of irony his mechanic voice.
Dial the White House?
Come again, Maven?
You heard me
Are you sure?
Why not? It's not like I'm calling God via Nokia or Jesus via the Church. I want to talk to the Hawaiian-Jolly-fella- President of the United States. I want to congratulate the 'Dude' who ordered the operation and gave the special team, which I don't think they were, like, really special, who took out an over 60 years old-not-so-Mighty Python. Am I asking too much? I'm just using my constitutional l rights. Freedom of speech big baby
Freedom of speech
Very well, Maven.
Dial tone.
Chinese Menu:
If you want to blah blaah press 1
If you want to blaah blaah press 2
Stop. Just keep dialing 0 and every time you’re offered an option press 0, which will finally get a humanoid to answer.
Three minutes later.
This is the White House, comes a rehearsed female voice. My names Hilary. How can I help you?
Hilary-Hilarious Clinton?
No, sir. Just Hillary, the secretary.
Oh, Okay.
What can I do for you, sir?
No Jesus Turd! How about connecting me to the ‘Dude of The Moment’?
Beg your pardon, sir?
That won’t be necessary. Let’s not waste our precious time begging and apologizing, shall we?
Certainly, sir.
Excellent. You’re a genuine person Hilary—‘
Thank you, sir. But—‘
Hey, I’m not a politician. I say what I mean. Now, please connect me with Obama. My President
You mean, Mr President Barack Obama?
Yes, dear. That’s my man…man of the hour.
But, sir?
Yes, sir?
Do not, I repeat, do not tell me I can’t speak to the President of the United States. I didn’t ask to speak with Omar Gaddafi. Constutinional Rights Hilary. Every citizen of the United States has the right to speak to the President. And here I'm, Hilary, a fellow citizen—‘
Can I keep you on hold for a few seconds please?
Sure, no problem, Hilary.
Thank you, sir. I need your name—‘
Sir Isaac Newton, Jr. or Gilbert Einstein, Jr. Same difference. The drones, CIA, and NSA, they're already listening and they know who is on the line. The President, please.
A moment later.
Hello, came the unmistakable voice of the President Barack Whatever of the United States.
Good morning, Mr President?
Good morning. Whom I'm speaking to?
Save Day light time, I say firmly. Dude, you know who is calling…but that’s beside the point.
So, what’s your point, sir?
My point is, Mr President-slash-Barack-slash-Hussein-Obama, is that I was working on image and I would’ve liked to use one of the images taken during the operation of which you ordered and ended so-called successfully; Osama is killed—‘
What is it that you want, Mr Maven?
A single-original picture of Bin Laden that shows the moment he’s been taken out.
What for, if I may ask?
Just a composite image where the corps of Bin Laden driving a Ferrari Enzo 70, titled The Last Drive of The Devil
I'm afraid that information currently is not available, sir.
I glance at the clock in the dashboard, aware of the time allocated to speak to the President. Twenty seconds count down.
Freedom of speech Big Brother Freedom of speech!
Fifteen seconds...
The world watched Saddam's neck snap...
Ten seconds...
Do I have to wait seventy-five years to get to see that image or to find out there is no...Dude, you're making a big mistake. How about the dummy burial at sea--'
We're disconnected, says Tom.
It's Okay, Tom. I'll tell you some serious shit later so that you store and learn...

More to come...

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